Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sananada with her chopsticks and Daddy with his. This one's for you Bill!

Sananda likes Lemons!

Olivia in her cute Indian outfit!

My baby is all smiles! It sure is worth all the time it took for us to get here, hard but worth it!

Sananda and her crib neighbor, Daya. What cuties!

Sananda in her cute Indian outfit!

Hi all,

It has been a few days since I could post, sorry bout that, this trip really takes a lot out of a person and my time on the internet has been pretty limited.
We were able to meet with another family adopting through our agency, they just picked up their little girl too. We found out that they were in cribs that were next to each other. I will post a picture of them together.
We met a second family who has adopted from our agency. They are here to pick up their boy this time from another area, but wanted to visit their daughter's agency. It sure was good to talk to them.
We were sad to leave Kolkata and are finally getting used to Delhi, but we now leave tomorrow night. This may be my last post from India. We have had a few mix-ups here in Delhi, but overall we are having a good time here too. This country is so beautiful, but it is hard to not be able to help all we meet that have such need. The driving here is crazy and fun, can you imagine that they talk on cell phones here while they are driving too.
We were able to see the President's Garden which is only open a couple of times a year. we couldn't take pictures though, due to security reasons. It was beautiful and very large.
We ate at a Chinese restaurant at our hotel. The food was very good, but we are not used to such service. Just for you Bill, I will post a picture of Sananda with her chopsticks. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAVIN, we have some great video that you and Isaac will love to see! I hope you had a great day! Can't wait to celebrate with you when we get back home!
Jessi is REALLY enjoying her stay too, as all the men are madam this and madam that to her. What's up with that??? The rest of us are not getting much of that treatment. They even brought a coat rake to our dinner table to hang her purse on. %)
We are ready to come home and see our boys, wish it didn't take so long to get there.
I am feeling a little sick today as I decided to get brave and eat at McDonalds here just to see what it tastes like. They even have a doorman there and delivery. The delivery car is a red moped with a large yellow M on the side of it.
So much has happened here that it is just too much to mention here.
Our driver for Embassy day took a liking to Olivia and bought us all ice cream bars from a street car vendor. Yes, we did eat them, hope we don't all get sick. We will post a picture of her and driver with their ice cream. Thanks Deb, for your recommendation of hiring this guy!!


Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable. I am glad you are enjoying your trip!!


Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable. I am glad you are enjoying your trip!!


Anonymous said...


I have really enjoyed reading your travel updates. It sounds like you've been having a wonderful journey and bonding experience. Have a safe trip home. Sananda is a doll!

Mary in IA
(mom to Carter Ashish)

April said...

So glad you're having a great time, and that Sananda is adjusting so well! Wow - many answers to prayers, my friend.

We'll look forward to hearing from you when you get home - take it easy for a few days with your family first!


Deb said...

As always, I am truly enjoying the photos and updates! I hope "Madam" enjoys the special service for the rest of the trip. You know we ladies don't get treated THAT well back in the states:)
Glad to see that Mr. Singh treated everyone to ice cream too!


PS The girls are absolutely ADORABLE in their Indian outfits!