Friday, March 2, 2007

Finally getting ready to go.

Hi, we are James and Lynda, we have 4 kids at home now and are getting ready to bring our little Indian blessing home. We are packing and making sure everything is in order for us to travel to get Sananda. There is much excitement as we all antipicate this trip. It felt like this day would never come, but it has. We leave for India in just a few days!!! It is awesome to see how God has worked everything out each time a new problem would arise, and there have been many of them. Like I have heard many others say, this has been a rollercoaster ride. Well, the hill climbing is over and we are finally getting to the fun part. Soon our daughter will be in our arms. I will have to say that part of the climb was fun though, as we have been blessed to meet many wonderful people along this ride who we never would have known otherwise. There was also the joy of seeing our daughter's picture for the first time and all the little hints that God gave us that made us know that Sananda is ment to be our child, and how He smoothed out all the mountians so she could become ours. I feel like our cup is just overflowing with blessings this week, there are just too many to name them all, but just this week alone we received 3 new pictures of our daughter and a video. We are so grateful for these and know that Sananda will treasure them too, in years to come. Each one is so precious to us as we examine every little detail of them. Many thanks to the families who traveled ahead of us and took them!!

Here is one of the pictures we recieved this week.
I can hardly wait to hold our little Indian cutie in my arms!

It snowed and drifted alot here yesterday and today, James made it all the way home from work, but got stuck in our driveway. Some wonderful neighbors came by and pulled the truck out of the drift and then plowed out our drive. It doesn't really look all that bad here but some of the drifts were around 3 feet deep.

At this point it looks like the weather will cooperate for us to get to the airport on time. Yes!!


Joel Brueseke said...

Hey guys! What a great way to keep people updated! It was great to talk with you on the phone today, just before you head out on your trip. This is a very exciting time, and we're praying for you and we're excited with you, as you will actually hold your daughter in your arms in just a few days! Have a safe trip, and keep us posted.

Nadra said...


I'll be following your blog during your travels. I'm so happy that you soon be picking up your precious daughter.

Praying for safe travel and a smooth transition.

(Ian's Momma - from the Dillon Forum)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!!!
I can't wait to follow your blog!

Sheri (maya's mom)

Anonymous said...

Best Wishes on your travels to bring your dear Sananda home!
