Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Curtains

Sananda and Olivia have new curtains in their room. I finally finished sewing these up after starting them about a year or so ago. So many projects leads to many things not getting done in a timely manner. :( The curtains did turn out very pretty though. There are made from a shiny pink and shiny purple fabric with little shiny colorful metal-like disks on them for design. The fabric was made in India, and it also has some embordiery of butterflies and lines. I may get a picture out here, but then again, if you read my blog much you know I don't get pictures out like I like to.


Deb said...

You know I'd love to see a photo of the curtains...they sound beautiful. I saw some bright pink silky fabric at the fabric store recently, and the print on the border reminded me of a saree. Samedh asked if we could buy it, but I'm not sure what I'd do with it at this time...It's like you said - too many projects:) The fabric might be nice to make pillow covers with though...maybe someday.

Lynda said...

Thanks Deb,

I will try to get a picture out here just for you. The girls really love them and they really dress up thier room. So wish I would have gotten them done sooner.