Monday, November 26, 2007

National Adoption Month

We had big plans to celebrate National Adoption Month, some of them fell through, but the best did happen for us this month. We were finally able to finalize Sananda's adoption. Here are some pictures. The celebration after finalization. We looked and looked for about an hour for a new Indian restaurant that we heard had opened sort of close to us, but to no avail, guess it was only a rumor. We finally decided on Carlos O' Kellys, the food there was good too.
Us with the court judge. Love the smile on his face.
Celcbrating at our church with cake.
Another picture from our supper celebration.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hi Lynda,
So happy to see all your new photos, etc. Congrats on finalizing Sananda's adoption. It's a great feeling, isn't it? I also wanted to tell you that Carlos O'Kelly's is my favorite restaurant. We just went there with Samedh last week.
Love from Michigan,
Deb, Pankaj, Samedh and Cosmo <: