Friday, January 23, 2009

Finally pics!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally got a few photos out!
Captions start from the bottom of the post going to the top.

Pretty in Pink-waiting for her Thanksgiving meal.

Christmas at Grandma's, with her cousins.

My baby is going to be a seamstress, just like her mommy.
She kept calling the baby doll, on the floor at the left side of the machine, Nana.

Opps! I'm caught!

Am I in trouble?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Whose Right to Life?

Certainly not a babies according to this new legislation. Below is a letter printed with permission, please visit the website to learn more.

Dear Friend,

I'm writing to let you know about a terrible piece of legislation called "The Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA).

FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.

It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws that the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.

Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at:

Thank you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last Day To Vote-5 pm Eastern

This FWD mail arrived in my inbox today, if you have a moment or two would you please consider going in and voting for this idea. When you click the link there is an article telling how far reaching this new lead law may go. Let's get things back on the right track.


The last day of voting for the Ideas for Change in America competition is today! On Friday we will present the top 10 ideas to the Obama administration at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. We'll then connect the winning ideas to leading nonprofits and launch a series of national advocacy campaigns to turn each idea into federal policy.

You have voted for the following idea:

Save Small Business From the CPSIA (6th Place)

You can help support this idea by forwarding this email to friends or posting links to your favorite ideas on sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or any blog you might write.

You also have 9 votes remaining, and we encourage you to finish voting for your list of "Top 10 Ideas" by going to before voting ends at 5pm Eastern this Thursday, Jan. 15.

We started the Ideas for Change in America initiative in the hope that we could translate the energy behind the Obama election into a citizen-led movement for change around the major issues we face. With over 500,000 votes thus far, each of you has helped deliver a clear message to the Obama administration that the American people want to participate in their own government again.

For that, we thank you. And we can't wait to work with each of you to continue this momentum after the competition ends.

In the meantime, best of luck for each of the ideas you support!

- The Team

Friday, January 9, 2009

Closing our store

This mail was sent across one of my groups and with permission I wanted to share it on my blog. How will this affect us?? Well, in many ways, but for now we are mostly affected with our website of where we offer our "In my heart dolls". As of now it looks like we will need to stop selling them. If you want to order any before the closing date please let know us. To see the dolls please go to . Closing date is Feb. 10th, but all orders much be paid by that date.

I feel horrible for all those who will be put out of business. If you do to there are ways you can take action, listed below.

Read On......

The Homeschooler' s Notebook
Encouragement and Advice for Homeschool Families
============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =
Vol. 10 No 2 January 8, 2009
ISSN: 1536-2035
============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =
Copyright (c) 2009 - Heather Idoni, FamilyClassroom. net
============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =

The Sale of Children's Books to be Banned


Oh, how I wish this were a joke! But it is a grim and looming,
almost Orwellian, reality.

Effective February 10th, in the United States, the sale of
all children's books (books intended for children ages 12 and
under) is to be PROHIBITED. Every single book printed prior
to the ruling is affected, whether new or used. New books in
production are required to include a "lead-free" certification
and will be the only books that are legal to offer for sale.

What does this mean to the homeschooling family?

Well, for one, curriculum fairs across the country will be
cancelled as book vendors scramble to figure out how to comply
with the new ruling. Complete book inventories will have to be
destroyed -- the ruling even prohibits giving away the books!
Local thrift stores will be hard hit -- most will likely have to
close their doors -- yes, even Goodwill and Salvation Army.

Clothing, toys and books -- even CDs and DVDs are included in the
ruling. Thrift stores will no longer be able to accept or process
anything (including clothing) that would be intended for a child.

No more library sales. Libraries will not be permitted to give
away or sell book donations. It is unsure yet, however, how
the libraries' shelves themselves will be impacted (the ruling
doesn't explicitly mention "loaning" books, just selling or
giving them away). The key word, however, is "distribution" --
libraries may well be required to destroy books from their shelves.

(The ruling that originally passed was about toys, but the EPA has
since made a statement that clothing, books and media are included
in "children's toys".)

Just how serious is this new law? has already notified all vendors of their need to comply.
No book can be sold at the Amazon site that was printed prior to
compliance. And the "compliance" must be coordinated at the manu-
facturing stage. At the time of this article there is no clause
to be able to grandfather- in older books or even rare out-of-print
books. It can cost between $500 and $1500 to test a book for lead.

I happen to own a children's bookstore specializing in living books
from the 1950s and '60s. My punishment for selling a book after
February 10th? Up to $100,000 and 5 years in jail. And yes, it is
a felony charge. For selling a SINGLE book.

(Although I don't think the S.W.A.T. team scenario would become a
reality overnight, at the same time I would be leery of blatantly
violating Federal law.)

So what can you do to help save your local used bookstore that
sells children's books? Or that homeschool curriculum business?
Or your EBay business selling children's items?

ACT NOW before the quickly approaching deadlines:

1) Email or call the CPSIA - the office of the CPSC ombudsman at
888-531-9070. http://www.cpsc. gov/cgibin/ newleg.aspx

Comments on Component Parts Testing accepted through January 30,
2009. Or email: Sec102ComponentPart sTesting@

2) Contact your local representatives. For their contact informa-
tion, just enter your zip code.
http://capwiz. com/americanappa rel/dbq/official s/

3) Make your voice heard by voting on this issue! The top 3 in
each category will be presented to President-elect Obama.
http://change. org/ideas/ view/save_ handmade_ toys_from_ the_cpsia

4) Sign the petition.
http://ipetitions. com/petition/ economicimpactso fCPSIA/index. html

5) Spread the word! Forward this article. Send an email. Write
about this on your blog. Tell others about this issue and
encourage them to do the same.


For the complete story, read the following links:

http://www.cpsc. gov/about/ cpsia/cpsia. html

Consumer Product Safety Commission Summaries on Legislation Index
page for Children's Products Containing Lead; Lead Paint Rule and
other rulings

http://www.cpsc. gov/about/ cpsia/legislatio n.html#summaries

Office of the General Counsel FAQ on retroactive inventory require-
ments -- The use of forward effective dates appears to force current
inventories to adhere to the ruling on February 10th, 2009

http://www.cpsc. gov/about/ cpsia/summaries/ 101brief. html

Specific FAQ on their interpretation of books and other media to be
included in the testing of lead based products

http://www.cpsc. gov/about/ cpsia/faq/ 101faq.html

Effective Date: Lead content limit of 600 ppm becomes effective 180
days after enactment. An advisory opinion regarding the application
of the new lead limit to inventory existing at the effective date
can be found on our web site at
http://www.cpsc. gov/library/ foia/advisory/ 317.pdf

Getting the Lead out: There is no lead in children's books
http://news. news/5695. html

There is no lead in Children's books: From a Pedtrician

http://health. experts/childhea lth/3955/ is-there- lead-in-baby- books/

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pictures Again

I know I am terrible about getting pictures up here, but we were unexpectedly called away over the weekend, and now school is starting back up. SO I still hope to get them out here sometime soon.

PBS Special tonight!

There is a PBS Special on tonight about India. It is a 6 week series. I am hoping to get this on tape, I think Sananda would love to see it over and over. Sananda said she wants to see it and was asking questions about our trip when we went to India to pick her up. There is also a book and video available on the PBS site with a section for teachers and parents to use with thier kids.