Monday, November 26, 2007


Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are still so thankful for all we have, this will be a great Christmas this year with our new addition home and fully a part of the family. We were getting some tree ornaments and I remembered that last year at this time I had bought a special blown glass elephant shaped tree ornament to hang up to include Sananda here even though she was still in India. We also had a wrapped package just waiting for her under the tree, when she came home in March, to open. She didn't know what to think about it then of course, it will be so much fun this year to have her be a part of us all opening gifts together. Are you ready for more pictures??? Finding our Christmas tree....

Mom, look, I can feed the bears!
Let's do some tree shopping!
Any over here?
How bout this one sis?

Here guys, come here, we found one! Where are my brothers?

We had a big week!

Not only did we finalize but also had Sananda's baby dedication the same week. Here is a picture from that day.
Here is a picture of her in the same cute outfit at our Harvest party in October.

National Adoption Month

We had big plans to celebrate National Adoption Month, some of them fell through, but the best did happen for us this month. We were finally able to finalize Sananda's adoption. Here are some pictures. The celebration after finalization. We looked and looked for about an hour for a new Indian restaurant that we heard had opened sort of close to us, but to no avail, guess it was only a rumor. We finally decided on Carlos O' Kellys, the food there was good too.
Us with the court judge. Love the smile on his face.
Celcbrating at our church with cake.
Another picture from our supper celebration.

More pictures

If August was busy.....

it sure has been even more eventful than that these last few months. I can't even recall all that we have been doing at this point, but thought it was long overdue to update the blog and have a couple of mintues to do that. First some pictures that people have been asking for.

We did some fishing, but didn't catch more than seaweed. I know I had a bite at least once, but he got away. The scenery was beautiful though, so at least we caught a pretty sunset.